About Portalry

What is Portalry?

Portalry.com is a community organiser tool for communities that meet in the metaverse.

Each portalry represents a community that meets in the metaverse on a regular basis whether that's daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly! Each portalry can have just one meeting space or many.

What are the benefits?

Here are a few use cases we're thinking of:

  • A VR church pastor uses it to provide a link to a meeting places and service times
  • A teacher providing a 3D experiential course on Ancient Rome uses it to notify students of lecture times and announce changes to the the space
  • A business manager uses it to share team VR space meeting times with the internal team

What metaverse platforms do you support?

Right now we support 6 platforms including Roblox, Frame, VRLand, Hubs, VRChat and Decentraland. We are adding more all the time. Please tweet to @portalry to request a new platform be added

What can I do with Portalry?

Current features

Today you can:

  • Create a portalry with between 1 and 8 portals in.
  • Promote your portalry on social media with an image preview
  • Track teleport activity to your portals
  • Set portal and portalry privacy to either public or unlisted

What do you get for free?

Free users are limited to 1 portalry each

What are the advantages of premium Portalry?

Premium users will

  • be able to have as mnany portalries as they like


Metaverse Standards Forum Member

FRAME Beta community member